Friday 22 January 2016

Has Society's Communication Gotten Worse Because of Cell Phones?

Texting instead of face to face interaction has started to become more common. Now a days people can have more of a conversation on their phones then they can in person, and to me that's pretty sad. Now everyone uses texting as an excuse, like to say sorry, to admit something they did or even to talk smack. Some would rather say sorry over text because they don't want to face you and the reaction that you will have. Talking smack people can seem like such a big talker but in real life they wont say anything. Texting has really taken over this world. It's sad to me, people can go days having a great conversation and then they meet up and everything's different just as like they are strangers. It's not right we should at least be able to do both or talk face to face at the most.

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