Friday 22 January 2016

websites i used

"Text Neck: Is Smartphone Use Causing Your Neck Pain?" Chronic Conditions Team, 24 Mar. 2015. Web. 15 Jan. 2016. <>. 

"Heavy Cell Phone Use Can Quadruple Your Risk of Deadly Brain Cancer." Just 50 Minutes of Cell Phone Use Alters Your Brain! Dr. Mercola, 7 Nov. 2012. Web. 16 Jan. 2016.

"Holding Your Smartphone Like This Could Lead to a Deformed Pinky, Warns Cell Phone Company." Augustine Reyes Chan, 11 Mar. 2015. Web. 17 Jan. 2016. <>.

"We Never Talk Any More: The Problem with Text Messaging." We Never Talk Any More: The Problem with Text Messaging ... Jeffrey Kluger, 31 Aug. 2012. Web. 22 Jan. 2016. <>.

Has Society's Communication Gotten Worse Because of Cell Phones?

Texting instead of face to face interaction has started to become more common. Now a days people can have more of a conversation on their phones then they can in person, and to me that's pretty sad. Now everyone uses texting as an excuse, like to say sorry, to admit something they did or even to talk smack. Some would rather say sorry over text because they don't want to face you and the reaction that you will have. Talking smack people can seem like such a big talker but in real life they wont say anything. Texting has really taken over this world. It's sad to me, people can go days having a great conversation and then they meet up and everything's different just as like they are strangers. It's not right we should at least be able to do both or talk face to face at the most.

Sunday 17 January 2016

Can Cell Phones Change the Shape of Our Pinky Finger?

Have you ever noticed that your pinky finger is shaped different? Well if so, That means that you have "Smartphone Pinky." Smartphone pinky is a result of using the finger to support you cell phones weight. When holding your phone in your hand it presses on the inside joint of the pinky. According to scientists "Indentation between the first and second joints of your pinky finger," That will happen if you rest your phone to often on your pinky. I bet you looked at your pinky didn't you?

Saturday 16 January 2016

What are Cell Phones Doing to Our Brains?

They are doing quite a lot to be honest with you. Cell phones can cause health problems like headaches and brain tumors. Researchers said that people who use cell phones a lot before 20 years old they have 4-5 more brain cancer by their late 20s. Scientist showed that cell phones are a possible cancer causing device. This means phones are in the category with diesel, some pesticides, and heavy metals. The expert panel said "regular cell phone use increased the risk of two types of tumors, 1- brain tumors, and 2- acoustic neuromas. Pretty scary I would say!

Friday 15 January 2016

What are Cell Phones Doing to our Neck and Backs

"Text Neck" this is caused by constantly hunching over your phones. This really aggravates muscle pain in your shoulders, neck, and sometimes even your lower back. Looking down, dropping you head forward it all changers the natural curvature of your neck. There are three things that happen by dropping your head 1- your neck moves forward, 2- your shoulders round forward or lift up toward your eyes, and 3- your neck and shoulder muscles spasm. Did you know that your neck is only supposed to support 10-12 pounds in your neck's proper position? Every inch that your head drops you actually double the load putting an extra 60 pounds of force on your neck muscles!

Why Do People Feel the Need to Take Their Phones Everywhere?

The reason why people always feel the need to take their phones everywhere is because, they feel safe with them. No one wants to leave their phones at home it makes them feel like they left a part of them at home, or left something at home. Scientists have proved that out of 15,747 adults half of them check their phones a few times an hour (41%) and, (11%) check their phones every few minutes. Scientists also proved that between 18-29 year olds the numbers increased. For checking their phones every hour the percent changed to (51%) and checking every few minutes it changed to (22%). Another interesting fact is (84%) of people can not go a day without their cell phones.